By admin on Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Category: News and Events

11th Swiss Green Economy Symposium


The Swiss Green Economy Symposium is a prestigious conference at the forefront of sustainable business practices in Switzerland. Their 11th annual conference took place on the 6th and 7th of September 2023, and one of our Managing Partners and Co-founders, Remo Oswald was among the moderators.

The topic of the day was ‘Sustainable Investing and Insurance: Innovative Approaches for More Impact’, and Remo was among the other top-class experts that presented the different ways that financial institutions and insurance companies around the world are increasingly focusing on sustainability.

Remo moderated the ‘Impact Investing in Practice’ session where he, along with the different speakers led an intensive discussion about the different ways to create, ensure, and measure sustainable impacts in areas such as climate, biodiversity, social goals, and corporate practices.

The main questions that the presentations of the day answered were;

All in all, it was a successful and enlightening session that succeeded in showing how financial institutions and insurance companies around the world are increasingly focusing on sustainability.