By admin on Tuesday, 11 April 2023
Category: Enabling Insight

How the EMF Microfinance Fund promotes economic growth by focusing on Gender Equity and Financial Inclusion 

Gender equity and financial inclusion are closely related concepts that are critical for promoting sustainable economic growth and reducing poverty. 

 What is Gender Equity? 

Gender equity refers to the fair distribution of resources, opportunities, and power between men and women. Achieving gender equity is essential for creating a more inclusive and just society, as it helps to promote equal participation and representation of women in all areas of social and economic life. 


How does Financial Inclusion promote Gender Equity? 

Financial inclusion can play a crucial role in promoting gender equity by increasing women’s access to financial services and enabling them to participate more fully in the economy. Women, especially those in low-income countries, are often excluded from the formal financial sector due to various barriers, including lack of documentation, limited financial literacy, and discriminatory social norms. 

Promoting gender equity in financial inclusion requires addressing the underlying social, cultural, and economic factors that contribute to gender disparities. This is essential for creating a more just and inclusive society, reducing poverty, and achieving sustainable economic growth. 


How does the EMF Microfinance Fund promote women’s economic empowerment through financial inclusion?

Women experience discrimination and are disproportionately susceptible in many societies. The most fundamental qualities of self-determination, dignity, and freedom are affected by unequal gender roles, which in turn affects financial inclusion, or the lack thereof.

The EMF plays a vital role in promoting financial inclusion by providing capital, supporting innovative financial technologies, promoting financial education, and investing in microfinance institutions.


By supporting microfinance institutions, especially those that offer microcredit and other financial services to women, the EMF fund can assist women in the following ways:


The economic empowerment of women through financial inclusion is a top objective of the EMF Fund. We are constantly looking into the social norms that prevent women from using and utilizing financial services, as well as what financial service providers like us and governments can do to address these restraints. To help us better understand how financial inclusion initiatives can benefit women at different phases of their lives, we examine when the gender gap in account ownership first appears. We also continue to research how women can use financial services and digital solutions in an equivalent manner to men.


What are the steps that Enabling Qapital (EQ) has taken to build a workplace culture that promotes gender equity?

Promoting gender equity in the workplace is an important goal that requires a multifaceted approach. Here are some strategies that EQ has successfully implemented: