By admin on Monday, 16 January 2023
Category: News and Events

Resilience as an Economic Success Factor

An article was published in the Handelszeitung Business Newspaper this Sunday morning, on the lessons that microfinance can teach us in dealing with crises.

Remo Oswald, the author of this article and one of our founders and managing partners shares his thoughts on how the micro and small entrepreneurs who we, as a microfinance service provider, enable together with our investors and partners to take out microcredits have developed efficient strategies in the midst of crises, serving as proof that development and growth in crisis situations are possible when innovative and creative power meet infrastructure that favors them.

According to Remo, crises do not necessarily have to be perceived as a phenomenon that leads to blockages or a standstill if they cannot be resolved. One need only look at emerging markets to understand how businesses can successfully develop strong resilience against all kinds of adversity.

Click on this article to read more about how the microfinance industry is gaining significant experience in dealing with crises.