Enabling Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions


Governing law and jurisdiction


User access, the use of this website any legal documents including these legal provisions are subject to Swiss law. Any conflict of law provisions shall not apply. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich, Switzerland. Enabling Qapital Ltd. reserves the right to bring legal proceedings at other places of jurisdiction.


Client Profile


The product information and other documents provided on this website are intended exclusively for users with the specified client profile. If you select the wrong client profile, this may result in access to information and documents of investment products which you are not authorized to access. Enabling Qapital Ltd. (“EQ”) cannot be held liable for any damages or claims as a result of selecting the wrong client profile.


Art. 4 of the Federal Act on Financial Services of 15 June 2018 (“FinSA”) subdivides clients into private, professional and institutional clients. This classification is based on a person’s financial circumstances or level of knowledge, experience and financial expertise, the legally defined size of the company or the existence of a professional treasury. The term professional client (“professional client”) used in this section includes professional as well as institutional clients under FinSA.


The revised Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes of 23 June 2006 (“CISA”) defines in its Art. 10 and 10(3ter) qualified investors (“Qualified Investor”). Art. 4(3) FinSA lists in detail the clients that fall under the category of professional clients, which is based on (and corresponds by and large to) the list of Qualified Investors pursuant to Art. 10(3) CISA.


If in doubt, please select “Private Client”. Generally, professional clients and Qualified Investors are those who have appropriate knowledge, expertise and experience in the financial market. Please study carefully if this applies to you and if it does, selecting the client classification “Qualified Investor” means that you represent and warrant to us that you fulfill the requirements and opt to be treated as a Qualified Investor and are not acting in a private client capacity. This will mean that you waive certain consumer protection rights you would otherwise have.


No offer or solicitation, recommendation or advice


The information on this website is not legally binding. No information or documents published on this website constitutes a solicitation, an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell any investment products or other financial instruments, to execute any transactions, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever. The information on this website is for information purposes only and solely product related. It does not take into account any personal circumstances and does not qualify as general or personal investment recommendation or advice. EQ does not provide investment, legal, tax or other advice through this website and nothing herein should be construed as such advice.


Consequently, one cannot rely on the content of this website when making any investment or other decision. Investment or other decisions should be made solely based on the relevant legal investment product documents (prospectus/offering memorandum, fund contract/articles, key information documents, financial reports) of the respective investment product.


Each person must check that the information provided is in line with his/her own circumstances and specific needs with regard to any legal, regulatory, tax, investment or other consequences, if necessary, with the help of a professional advisor.


Access and restrictions


Some information contained in this website is intended for exclusive use by professional clients as defined under FinSA and by Qualified Investors as defined under CISA, which have their residence or registered office in Switzerland. Such information is not directed to private clients as defined by FinSA. Consequently, private clients should abstain from accessing such information. Prospective clients whose place of residence or registered office is outside Switzerland are asked to clarify with their legal advisor or other qualified expert whether they are permitted to invest under the legislation applicable to them based on the selected type of client and country of residence or registered office.


 This website is not intended for natural persons and legal entities subject to legislation that prohibits access to the website or investment products published (due to the user’s nationality or domicile/registered offices or for other reasons). Persons subject to such restrictions are not permitted to access the website.


No liability or warranty


 The information on this website was produced by EQ with the greatest of care and to the best of its knowledge and belief. Figures and data are unaudited and provided on an “as is” basis. EQ assumes no warranty or liability for the currency, correctness, accuracy, or completeness of the information published on the website. EQ reserves the right to update, amend or delete without notice, at any time, information published on the website.


EQ excludes any and all liability for direct and/or indirect damages, lost profits or costs arising from the use of (whether such use if proper or improper), or access to this website (or the inability to access or use this website). EQ makes no warranty that access to the site will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects will be corrected. This exclusion of liability shall also apply to all damages that can be ascribed to third-party tampering with the website. EQ also rejects any liability for third-party manipulation of its IT system.


The website may include links to and from third-party websites. EQ takes no responsibility whatsoever for such third-party websites or their contents and has no control over those.The content of third-party websites is the sole responsibility of their respective operators. Users access such websites at their own risk.


The opinions expressed on this website are those of EQ at the time of writing and are subject to change at any time without notice. The information is provided for information purposes only and is for the exclusive use of the recipient.


Performance & Risks of Investment


Past performance is no indicator of future development and does not offer any guarantee for future returns. The calculation is performed in an investment product’s currency and may rise or fall as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.


Any performance data on this website represents past performance. The level of tax benefits and liabilities will depend on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.


All investments are associated with risks, which include the potential loss of the capital invested. The prices, values, and profits of invested capital can fall and rise. Investments in foreign currencies involve the additional risk that the foreign currency might lose value against the investor’s reference currency. Details regarding the risks associated with a specific investment product are described in the current product documentation, which must be read carefully before investing in any investment products displayed on this website.


Impact investments in emerging markets, particularly those involving foreign currencies, may present significant additional risk and in all cases, the risks implicated in this disclaimer include the risk of loss of invested capital.


Intellectual Property


The content of this website is the intellectual property of EQ, which has its registered offices in Switzerland and is presented on the Internet for viewing purposes only. Information and content may only be downloaded or printed for personal use. Enabling Qapital Ltd. must always be identified or identifiable as the source.


Company Information


The content of this website is the intellectual property of EQ, which has its registered offices in Switzerland and is presented on the Internet for viewing purposes only. Information and content may only be downloaded or printed for personal use. Enabling Qapital Ltd. must always be identified or identifiable as the source. This site is owned and operated by Enabling Qapital Ltd. The registered office of EQ is Mühlebachstrasse 164, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland.




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Enabling Qapital

Enabling Qapital AG

Mühlebachstrasse 164

8008 Zurich


Enabling Qapital AG

Branch Geneva

Place du Grand-Mézel 1,

1204 Geneva


Enabling Qapital Kenya Ltd

Merchant Square Block B

2nd Floor, Riverside Drive



Enabling Microfinance AG

Industriering 20,

9491 Ruggell


Enabling Qapital Luxembourg S.A.

16, rue Robert Stümper,

2557 Luxembourg

