Supporting Fundación Génesis Empresarial alongside FMO and other partners to foster sustainable economic growth in Guatemala



Supporting Fundación Génesis Empresarial alongside FMO and other partners to foster sustainable economic growth in Guatemala.


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FINMA grants the independent Swiss impact manager Enabling Qapital the license as a manager of collective investments



Enabling Qapital (EQ) was founded in early 2020 with the goal of investing institutional funds sustainably and with attractive returns, guided by the mission of 'Moving Money to Meaning'. Since then, EQ has experienced remarkable growth and now manages assets worth 700 million US dollars with over 50 employees in the areas of Private Debt/Microfinance, Access to Energy, and Clean Cooking. Enabling Qapital is B-Corp certified and collaborates with over 150 microfinance and clean cooking companies, thereby reaching more than 400,000 small and micro-entrepreneurs across over 45 emerging countries.

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Enabling Impact in rural Kenya : From individual companies to collective growth



Amid the bustling villages of rural Kenya, individuals like Mary Malelu embarked on entrepreneurial journeys, striving to make ends meet with limited resources. Despite her perseverance, she faced challenges accessing the financial resources she needed to expand her ventures.

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At EQ, we strongly believe that Earth Day should be celebrated every day. More than just a corporate goal, it's a way of life, a shared passion, and a collective responsibility we’ve all set out to embrace as best we can.  


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Meet Armando!



Embark on the journey of Armando, a lettuce producer, as he navigates the world of agriculture with FACES by his side. Witness how their support has helped him overcome obstacles and achieve success in his rural entrepreneurship endavors.

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Empowering Microentrepreneurs in Azerbaijan


Abishov Razim Husan, a valued customer of AccessBank CJSC’s Barda branch, resides in Gapanli village, Tartar region, where he manages a family-run animal breeding business with his three sons. Facing challenges in obtaining funding from other banks due to the front-line location of his village, Abishov turned to AccessBank in 2011 for support in expanding his household.

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Planning Week 2024

EQ Planning Week 2024

Enabling Qapital (EQ) is actively engaged in more than 50 Emerging Markets. Since the inception of EQ, each business year begins with a planning session in which the past is reviewed, and different scenarios for the upcoming year are discussed and planned for. The aim is to be as well-prepared as possible for whatever changes may occur, recognizing that in Emerging Markets, change is the only constant.

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Exploring Armenia: A Tale of Transformation with “KAMURJ” Universal Credit Organization

Today, we delve into the intriguing intersection of Armenia's unique landscape, the impactful mission of "KAMURJ" Universal Credit Organization (UCO), and the inspiring story of Sevak Aleksanyan, an entrepreneur whose life took a transformative turn with the support of "KAMURJ."

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What an inspiring week at #AFIForum 2024 in Bangkok!

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SMT Visit the Nairobi Swiss Embassy


During our recent field trip with investors and partners, one of the highlights was the invitation to the Swiss Embassy in Nairobi. We had the privilege of attending a Dinner hosted by Valentin Zellweger, the esteemed Swiss Ambassador, and Dr. Steve Tharakan, Deputy Head of Mission.

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International Day of Education


We believe in the transformative power of education to change lives and communities. As we celebrate the International Day of Education 2024, we seize this opportunity to underscore our commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education. This year’s theme, ‘Learning for Lasting Peace,’ resonates deeply with our mission.

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World Economic Forum 2024


The World Economic Forum (WEF) kicked off in Davos on January 15th, 2024. One of our Co-founders and Managing partners, Remo Oswald attended the House of Switzerland panel discussion on financing just transitions. 

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Gearing up for AFIFORUM 2024


Chandrani Podder, Subhojeet Chatterjee, Elisabetta Bertotti, and Abdul Rehman Ijaz are gearing up for AFIFORUM – Asia Financial Institutions Forum!

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Empowering Entrepreneurship in the Azerbaijan


In the dynamic economic landscape of Azerbaijan, the story of ART RIGHT LLC stands out as a testament to AccessBank’s commitment to fostering entrepreneurship. Gurbanov Tariyel, the founder of ART RIGHT LLC, embarked on his journey with AccessBank on September 14, 2017. At that time, Tariyel was involved in food sales with his father, and started with a modest business capital of AZN 15,000.

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Empowering Through Equity: EQ’s Journey Towards Gender Inclusion in Finance

In the ever-evolving finance landscape, our commitment to “Moving Money to Meaning” propels us to invest strategically, to drive impact on both financial and social fronts. Acknowledging the significance of ensuring gender equity, we are applying a gender lens to our internal processes and investments, taking steps to foster a more inclusive global financial ecosystem.


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Goodbye 2023!


As we approach the new year, let’s reflect on the impactful journey of 2023 at Enabling Qapital. Thanks to our team and partners for contributing to a world where investment empowers people and embraces the planet!

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2023 End-of-Year Company Call


Reflecting on an extraordinary End-of-Year call at EQ! We didn’t just celebrate wins; we savored the sweet taste of success, toasted to our shared victories, and reminisced about the incredible journey that brought us here.


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Welcome Aizada Sheralieva!


Why Enabling Qapital?​

I was drawn to Enabling Qapital’s dedication to social impact investing and their commitment to effecting positive change globally. The company’s proficiency in emerging markets is particularly appealing, and I am confident that joining EQ could offer me invaluable experience and skills in this domain.​

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CENTRAL AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN MICROFINANCE NETWORK (REDCAMIF) is bringing together leaders and experts at the Regional Forum on “Strengthening the value proposition of financial inclusion for women.” SMT and Co-Founder Chuck Olson will be a panelist at this impactful event, in collaboration with FinEquityALC, Andares Mujeres, FinDev Portal, and National Networks.


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Welcome Innocent Baluge!


Why Enabling Qapital?​

I chose EQ because it focuses on investing in Micro Finance Institutions, which increase financial inclusion for low-income individuals, and small and medium enterprises mainly in developing countries. Working for EQ will enable me to have a positive impact on people’s lives..

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COP 28


As the world gears up for COP28, the significance of addressing climate change becomes more pronounced than ever. Amid global efforts, let’s delve into microfinance’s often-overlooked yet powerful role in the battle against climate challenges.


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EQ Team meets with Swiss Ambassador to Ecuador


Together with our partners, investors, and team members from Ecuador, we had the honor of meeting Marianne Jenni, the Swiss Ambassador to Ecuador.

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Due Diligence Trip in Pakistan


In the world of impact investing, making informed decisions is crucial to ensure that capital is channeled into initiatives that create a positive and lasting difference. A key aspect of this decision-making process involves conducting thorough due diligence to gain deeper insights into the organizations and individuals being supported. Recently, two of our investment analysts in Pakistan, Aastha Dawani and Abdul Ijaz embarked on a due diligence trip in Pakistan, where they had the opportunity to visit MFIs and meet with end clients. This journey offered them a unique perspective on the impact of EQ’s investments and provided valuable lessons on the power of financial inclusion in a developing nation.


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Greenwashing in the Financial Industry


Our time at LuxFLAG Sustainable Investment Week (#LSIW23) allowed us to connect with industry leaders, share perspectives, and contribute to the advancement of Sustainable Finance.

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Welcome Sebastián Cóndor!


Why Enabling Qapital?​

I applied to Enabling Qapital because its impact investment focus aligns with my vision of the private sector playing a crucial role in enhancing social, economic, and environmental aspects. The company’s commitment to financial inclusion resonates with my social awareness, especially as a citizen of Ecuador. I’m excited about EQ’s projects, such as the Spark+ Africa Fund, positively impacting societies like Africa through modern household energy access. In essence, I am drawn to EQ’s dedication to social responsibility and creating value by investing in high-impact projects for community well-being.​


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Welcoming Kashf Foundation to our Investment Portfolio


We are committed to supporting organizations that drive positive change and make a significant impact in the world of microfinance. Kashf Foundation is a remarkable addition to Enabling Qapital’s portfolio.


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Exploring the Impact of Microfinance: Guest lectures at the FHNW School of Business


As part of our commitment to education and knowledge sharing, we are excited to announce that, one of our esteemed Co-Founders and SMT Member Remo Oswald, serves twice a year as a guest lecturer at FHNW School of Business, sharing insights on how microfinance works in practice. This lecture is a part of the CAS Sustainable Finance course module Sustainable Investing, aimed at equipping participants with the necessary tools to make a meaningful impact in the field of finance.

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Dive into the world of Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) with this Q&A


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“Higher for Longer”. The New Interest Rate Regime and its Implications for Microfinance

Recent Central Bank language as well as early economic indicators are clearly pointing towards a state of global interest rates remaining higher for longer, somewhat in opposition to previous market consensus and futures forward pricing. I joined a recent session where our portfolio management has shared its views on what that means for the microfinance industry and its return perspectives as a whole.


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Welcome Jyoti Patel!


Why Enabling Qapital?​

The opportunity to work with a growing company of inspiring individuals committed towards creating a positive impact on the planet and its people. ​


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Enabling Qapital

Enabling Qapital AG

Mühlebachstrasse 164

8008 Zurich


Enabling Qapital AG

Branch Geneva

Place du Grand-Mézel 1,

1204 Geneva


Enabling Qapital Kenya Ltd

Merchant Square Block B

2nd Floor, Riverside Drive



Enabling Microfinance AG

Industriering 20,

9491 Ruggell



Enabling Qapital Luxembourg S.A.

16, rue Robert Stümper,

2557 Luxembourg


