Abishov Razim Husan, a valued customer of AccessBank CJSC’s Barda branch, resides in Gapanli village, Tartar region, where he manages a family-run animal breeding business with his three sons. Facing challenges in obtaining funding from other banks due to the front-line location of his village, Abishov turned to AccessBank in 2011 for support in expanding his household.
Known for its commitment to agricultural development in the country, AccessBank became Abishov’s steadfast financial partner. His initial loan of AZN 4,000 marked the beginning of a journey that saw continuous growth for his business. With subsequent loans from AccessBank, Abishov expanded his livestock and constructed essential infrastructure including a barn and feed warehouse.

Founded in October 2002 as the Micro Finance Bank of Azerbaijan and rebranded in September 2008, AccessBank swiftly evolved, aligning its mission with the sustainable development of Azerbaijan. Their commitment to providing responsible financial services and solutions to households and businesses resonated with the nation’s aspirations.
Through 26 loans totaling up to AZN 100k, Abishov’s enterprise flourished. The funds were used to increase his livestock, build essential infrastructure such as barns and feed warehouses, and propel the growth of his family-run business. The small cattle now reached 142, and the large cattle, an impressive 210.
AccessBank’s support went beyond financial assistance. Abishov’s journey with the bank facilitated his access to the Entrepreneurship Development Fund (EDF), showcasing the institution’s commitment to holistic growth and development.
Today, Abishov’s success story is a testament to the impact of strategic goals outlined by AccessBank – a leading financial service provider for micro and small businesses, a commitment to customer experience, robust risk management, and a focus on sustainability. AccessBank continues its mission, contributing to the nation’s progress by empowering individuals like Abishov Razim Husan to turn dreams into reality, one loan at a time.