From Seeds to Success: A Cambodian Farmer's Inspiring Journey



Enabling Impact in Cambodia
Voices of Change - Chhoeun Sokha | Chamroeun

In the heart of Siem Reap province, Cambodia, meet Chhoeun Sokha, a dedicated farmer who has transformed her life through the cultivation of cassava and rice.


The Power of Microfinance in Rural Cambodia

In 2018, Chhoeun Sokha took her first step towards expanding her farming operations by securing a loan from Chamroeun Microfinance Plc, a trusted microfinance institution (MFI). Chamroeun, established in 2006, provides both financial and non-financial services to poor families, primarily in urban depressed areas of Phnom Penh. With her initial loan from Chamroeun, Chhoeun Sokha rented one hectare of land to cultivate cassava. Her hard work and commitment soon paid off, and she began to see the fruits of her labor.

Recognizing the potential for growth, Chhoeun Sokha took a second loan from Chamroeun. This additional support allowed her to rent another four hectares, bringing her total to five hectares dedicated to cassava cultivation. Her vision and perseverance continued to drive her forward.


Growing Success, One Hectare at a Time

With the profits earned from her expanding cassava production and the support of a third loan from Chamroeun, Chhoeun Sokha now farms eight hectares of rented land. This achievement not only increased her output but also significantly improved her family’s quality of life. The income generated from her hard work is currently being invested in building a new house for her family—a testament to her dedication and the tangible benefits of impact investment.

Her husband, a steadfast partner in her farming endeavors, also contributes by working on their farm and as a laborer on neighboring farms.

Chhoeun Sokha’s journey underscores the transformative power of impact investment. Through the loans from Chamroeun, she has been able to expand her business, improve her family’s living conditions, and contribute to her community’s economy. Supporting farmers like Chhoeun Sokha, isn’t just funding agricultural activities—it is fostering resilience, economic stability, and a brighter future for entire communities.


Impact Investment: Cultivating Change

Chhoeun Sokha’s journey is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of accessible financial services. Her story illustrates how microloans increase the resilience of vulnerable populations, enabling SDG 1.

By improving her family's livelihood and contributing to the economic stability of her community with the expansion of her cassava cultivation from one to eight hectares, Chhoeun also demonstrates the potential for small-scale farmers to drive local economic growth and create a sustainable future (SDG 2).

As a woman leading a successful farming enterprise, her achievements highlight the potential of women entrepreneurs when given access to financial resources and opportunities (SDG 5). In regions where women face barriers to economic participation, her story is an inspiring example of what is possible through targeted support and investment.

Through stories like Chhoeun Sokha’s, we also see how microfinance can empower individuals from less advantaged backgrounds to bridge socioeconomic divides and foster resilience (

Discover how microfinance is transforming lives and advancing global goals. Learn more about the UN Sustainable Development Goals at


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