Why Enabling Qapital?
I was excited to be part of something new with a group of talented individuals with a renowned name in the impact investing industry. We all share a common goal as we plan to implement innovative initiatives that can help the most vulnerable people in the world.
Duties of work?
Building EQ’s investment portfolio in Central and South America. Today I have the privilege of overseeing and supporting the work of our regional team.
What were you doing before working here?
I was getting a master’s degree in international development. This experience only reinforced my commitment towards being part of the solution; there are many things that we need to do, and mobilizing funds responsibly to emerging markets is one of them.
What motivates you at work?
The amount of responsibility that I am given. You usually don’t get this kind of opportunity at my age, but this is what we do in EQ; we believe in people. Of course, all of this can only happen with the phenomenal guidance of our managing partners.
Favorite place?
El teleferico located in the Pichincha Volcano in Quito – Ecuador. I enjoy the view on the top of the mountains, it is the perfect place to grab a book and clear your mind.
Introvert or Extrovert?
I used to be an introvert, I was timid, but I was exposed to several situations outside my comfort zone, which has led me to become an extrovert. I like this version of myself better.