SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all - Spotlight on Kyrgyzstan | Symbat Kurmanbekova | Salym Finance



From Aspiring Entrepreneur to Business Owner: Symbat Kurmanbekova's Journey

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SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all - Spotlight on Ecuador | Carmen Liliana Castillo Curillo | Vision Fund Ecuador (VFE)



From Fields to Shelves, A Blossoming Entrepreneurial Journey

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SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages - Spotlight on Kyrgyzstan | Zharkynova Samidakhan | Bailyk Finance



Building Healthier Communities: The Impact of Bailyk Finance in Kyrgyzstan

Nurturing Health and Well-being in Kyrgyzstan

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Breaking Barriers in Tajikistan's IT Sector



Enabling Impact in Tajikistan
Voices of Change: Oisha Madalieva | Humo

Oisha Madalieva aspired to pursue a career in IT, but faced significant obstacles in Tajikistan. The country's IT sector had low female employment rates, and education costs were prohibitively expensive for her.


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Enabling Qapital

Enabling Qapital AG

Mühlebachstrasse 164

8008 Zurich


Enabling Qapital AG

Branch Geneva

Place du Grand-Mézel 1,

1204 Geneva


Enabling Qapital Kenya Ltd

Merchant Square Block B

2nd Floor, Riverside Drive



Enabling Microfinance AG

Industriering 20,

9491 Ruggell


Enabling Qapital Luxembourg S.A.

16, rue Robert Stümper,

2557 Luxembourg

